Pew Notes

St Cuthbert’s Notes28 July 2024

Fresh Start Collection:

Thank you to everyone who donated so generously to last week’s Fresh Start collection which rivalled last year’s mammoth contribution. Special thanks to Lesley and Martin Gourley and to June and George Bungay for all their hard work on Saturday and to all those who helped load the vans on Monday.                 Thank you!

Sale of Preserves for Charity:

Ross will be selling his preserves, raising funds for charity, today, Sunday 28th July, in the hall, following the 10.30am service.

Summer Evensong:

We have an Evensong service this evening in church at 6pm.  All Welcome.  There will be wine and nibbles following the service – donations are invited to cover costs. 

Exploring the archives from 1880’s to 2023:

This book by John Peacock is now available and can be purchased for £10 per copy.  There is a limited number of copies available – please speak to Nicki or Hilary Pritchard if you would like to purchase a copy today.  Thank you.

St Cuthbert’s Prayer Books:

Red Prayer books are at the back of church – these are being offered to the members of our congregation for a donation to St Cuthbert’s.

Thursday Service: 1st August at 2.30pm in Church

Please join us for this informal service (which takes place on the first Thursday of every month). Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.  Refreshments will be served after the service.     The theme for this service will be ‘Family’.


The next Forget-Me-Notes music session is on Monday 5th August 2pm – 4pm in the church hall – join us if you can for an hour of music and memories by the wonderful Forget-Me-Notes Project, followed by refreshments provided by the St Cuthbert’s team.  (You don’t have to sing along, but when you hear the music it is hard not to!)  All Welcome.

Soup and Social:

Get to know your neighbour in the pew while enjoying home-made soup.  St Cuthbert’s Community matters – let’s build it together.  There is no charge, however donations are welcome to cover our costs.  Please join us if you can on Sunday, 11th August, in the church hall, following the 10.30am service.

The Phoenix Group’s (very light-hearted) Quiz:

Monday 30th September from 2pm – 4pm in the Church Hall.  This will comprise of 5 rounds of (hopefully) straightforward questions, aimed at the older generation!  In between rounds, tea and cake will be served and there will also be a free raffle.  Please join us for this fun-filled afternoon – there is no need to get a team together, as we will sort you out on the day!  Please let Caroline Seville know if you are coming, however, if you just turn up on the day, that’s fine.  Bring a friend!  All are welcome, and this is a free event, but donations to church funds would be very welcome.  Thank you.

The Sign Magazine:

‘The Sign’ is the monthly magazine for St Cuthbert’s, Colinton. There is a large printed copy at the back of church to take a look at – and if you would like to receive a free email copy, (or subscribe for a paper copy) please contact our Church Administrator, Marie, by email: – and she will add you to the mailing list. 

St Cuthbert’s Church Hall:

There are lots of activities and groups which meet each week in our church hall (Badminton, Tai Chi, Rainbows and Brownies, Fitness and Pilates, Stagecoach Children’s Performing Arts, Scottish Country Dancing, and many more).  If you would like any information on any of the activities, or details on hiring the hall for a group, meeting, or birthday celebration, please contact

Membership Update 2024:

We are updating our membership this year, with a new ‘membership booklet’ to be available at the AGM in November.  This is in accordance with the GDPR Legislation (Data Protection), and we must update the data we currently hold.  This means that all members must complete new membership forms, and these have now been printed and are available to collect from the back of church.  If you are new to St Cuthbert’s, and would like to become a member, please speak to one of our Welcome Team.  Please complete the form (one form per person), and return it to church for the attention of Marie, Church Administrator by Sunday 1 September please.  If you have any queries whatsoever, email Marie:     

Contacts during Sabbatical Leave:

Revd. Nicki will be on sabbatical leave from Thursday 1st August until Sunday 3 November 2024.  During this time, services will be covered by visiting priests and Revd. Margaret.  If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Rev Tim Tunley – email: (or Rev. Michael Johns-Perring – if between 2-14 October).

If you would like a pastoral visit, please contact Hilary Pritchard – email: who will make the necessary arrangements.

Nicki (and Iain) – We wish you a very happy, restful and enjoyable sabbatical.

Weekly Prayer:

Lord Jesus, we live in a bountiful world and enjoy the fruits of your creation. Help us to appreciate these wonderful gifts and treasure them, doing what we can to nurture our planet. Help us to share them, too, with those less fortunate than ourselves. If we do, we will be showing our love for what you love and doing what you would like us to do. Amen.

Scottish Charity Number: SC007578